Meet the team

Dr Nick Maguire









Dr Maguire delivers training courses to staff and volunteers on the front-line and outreach workers supporting people who are homeless. Working within the NHS and seeing first-hand the problems people suffering severe and enduring mental health problems faced led Nick to start this exciting project.

His work at the University of Southampton as an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology enables Nick to make use of his training in evidence-based psychological approaches to provide training, research and evaluation, reflective practice and individual and group interventions. He specialises in providing these services to people experiencing complex and multiple problems of social exclusion and the staff who support them.

Nick is dedicated to constant evaluation of the effectiveness of any and all interventions provided, in order to provide the best quality services for those who are often marginalised from health and social care.


Dr Nick Maguire

Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Southampton, UK



Mrs Karina Christiansen

Mrs Christiansen has extensive experience in running services for people who are homeless, as well as commissioning services and innovating in the area. She has been highly successful in bidding for grant income from e.g. MHCLG and PHE, enabling cutting-edge services to be created and evaluated. She works closely with OutcomeHome in delivering services for homeless people, managing processes in order to maximise and demonstrate their effectiveness. She also delivers training for services wishing to develop PIEs, and offers reflective practice, communities of practice and coaching to enable staff and managers to make most use of the approaches throughout their organisations.


Mrs Karina Christiansen

Independent Coach, Facilitator, Mediator and Visiting Academic
Department of Psychology
University of Southampton, UK



Dr Stephanie Barker

Dr Barker is a psychologist working with Outcome Home, helping to develop and run peer mentor programmes across southeast England. Stephanie completed her PhD research on peer support, examining change mechanisms that underpin effective peer programmes. Stephanie is also a registered member of the BACP and provides individual and group therapy to homeless clients.

Dr Stephanie Barker

Research Fellow
Department of Psychology
University of Southampton, UK